As a collaborative artist, my role is one of a designer/ facilitator. My goal is to demystify art and make it transparent and all inclusive. I work both with communities and schools, offering a holistic approach to creating art that's shaped for each unique cultural setting. Children, parents, families, teachers and staff work together in this creative collaboration process. My objective is to encourage the imagination of each individual as they express it through the art they create. The participation of the adults supports this as they assist in assembling the framework for each project. At the culmination of a project, I would like for each individual to have experienced a sense of belonging, pride and accomplishment that comes with being part of a collaborative work of art. The creative process is just as valuable as the finished art, and each day is a celebration of community.
Each collaborative project I am apart of is unique in its time frame, budget, size and involvement levels. Each project is tailored to the needs of a particular group. Please contact me with your ideas to discuss what might be appropriate for your collaboration.